Bitesize Brandschool™ for Leeds Chamber of Commerce

Brandschool™ is 10 Associates’ brand development programme developed over the last 6 years to help create new brands, re-invigorate old ones and to deliver key business insights for clients to gain competitive market advantage.

Branding in business, is today becoming even more prevalent, particularly given the current economic climate. In a world where it’s rare to find a business with a totally unique proposition, what makes one person choose one brand or business above another?

’10 Associates Bitesize Brandschool™’ for Leeds Chamber of Commerce will help businesses get to the answers of these questions.

Join us
12-2pm Friday 30th July
Leeds Chamber of Commerce, White Rose House, 28a York Place, Leeds LS1 2EZ

Click here to book your place on our Bitesize Brandschool™ for Leeds Chamber of Commerce.

If you are not a member of the Chamber you can call 0113 247 0000 to reserve your place.

10 Associates Bitesize Brandschool for Leeds Chamber Of Commerce

10 Associates Brandschool™ typically covers areas as follows:

What is a brand?
It sounds simplistic but you’d be surprised how many people associate the word brand with a logo, this is only one tiny aspect of what a brand should be, recognising this is the first step to having a successful brand.

Why brand?
This outlines how businesses can use branding to create equity.

What’s behind a brand?
How to create, maintain & grow your brand.

How far will your brand go?
Giving good and bad examples of brand extension & stretching. Once you live and breath your core brands, other opportunities may present themselves and help you grow into different markets.

Case Studies / Examples of savvy branding.
This section does exactly what is says on the tin, and helps attendees understand the power of branding and the consequences of getting it wrong.

Bitesize Brandschool presenter
Jill Peel the Creative Director at 10 Associates would present Brandschool™ with assistance from other members of the 10 team.

Jill has over 20 years industry experience, when it comes to Branding she’s the Godfather! Working on big household brand names such as Virgin & Sony but also working with SME’s, helping to raise their own brand awareness and clearly defining their brand positioning.

Every business should be aware of how branding can benefit their business.

The word ‘brand’ has become one of the most over-used, and misused, in today’s business lexicon. A brand is not just a logo. A logo is an element of a brands visual identity.

Through this bite size portion of Brandschool™ we would aim to advise attendees on how their own brand can help them grow and create equity, giving them the tools to assess their own brand and a strategy of how to refocus the brand to the target market.

Target Audience
Directors / Business Owners, Marketing Managers, Comms Personnel and Sales Managers would all benefit from Brandschool™.


Brandschool™ is typically either a half or full day depending upon the requirements of the client, however for the purposes of this event is to offer a digestible chunk of our workshop which would last around 2 hours.

Join us
12-2pm Friday 30th July
Leeds Chamber of Commerce, White Rose House, 28a York Place, Leeds LS1 2EZ

If you would like to book on Bitesize Brandschool™ for Leeds Chamber of Commerce please drop us a line or click here to book your place.

If you are not a member of the Chamber you can call 0113 247 0000 to reserve your place.