“HI THERE GORGEOUS… I’m guessing temptation got the better of you and you’re here to sample my shamelessly indulgent cupcakes. Fanny’s Cupcakes are baked from a closely guarded family recipe, handed down over three generations, they’re undeniably naughty. After all, everyone knows the best pleasures in life are those ever-so-slightly guilty ones.
Oh, and don’t worry, I promise I wont tell anyone you came to see me. It’ll be our little secret.”
These are the first words from Fanny’s Cupcakes as they set out to seduce us with their melt in the mouth cupcake delights.
We’ve spent the past several months working with Fanny’s Cupcakes founders, Debbie Shaw and Hannah Beaumont, to capture the true 1950’s essence of Fanny and to create a brand that will bring the beautifully baked produce to our lips.
This is the first stage in what we envisage to be fantastic life for Fanny so keep your eyes peeled for more updates and to see what she has planned next.
“10 Associates created such a strong brand for Fanny’s Cupcakes that it far transcends our baking reputation. Everywhere I go people have either heard all about us or say that they think our branding is fabulous and ask who designed it for us. What better accolade is there than that for such a wonderful company with such a great bunch of people.”
Debbie Shaw, Fanny’s Cupcakes Founder
Fanny’s Cupcakes ended 2009 by supporting ‘Carmen Ghia & The Hotrods’ with the launch of their new album ‘Go, Go, Go’ at ‘The Boardwalk’ club in Sheffield.